Rings were one of the first things to get cut out of our budget. As you might know from reading Tuesday’s post about defining a wedding mantra, our focus is on spending time with friends and family, and rings just don’t really fit into that goal.
Thankfully, my fiance and I had given each other promise rings about a year after we started dating, which we currently wear on our right hands. So, at the wedding, we’ll flip them over to our left hands, and voila! Wedding bands (at least for the first five years or so)!
But not everyone is that lucky, which is why I did some research to find you some gorgeous, budget-friendly rings.
One of my favorite trends in wedding rings is alternative metals like tungsten, steel and titanium.
Like this gorgeous tungsten women’s ring for $25 (yes, that is a crystal, not a diamond, but it’s GORGEOUS!):
And this men’s ring to match, for $31? Yes please!
Or how about this titanium women’s ring with the matching men’s ring for a total of $18? Yes, that was eighteen buckaroos!
As you can see by my choices in links, Overstock is my favorite place for jewelry shopping (selection, quality, etc.). Walmart also has some good stuff.
And, since we’re on the subject cubic zirconia is great? Why? Because buying CZ over diamonds is an easy (and budget friendly) way to ensure that your ring is conflict-free.
Other ways to get budget-friendly wedding bands? Go to your local thrift store. Go to a pawn shop. Ask your family about heirlooms. But you don’t have to skip the rings. :)
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