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{My Wedding} On staying true

I’m all for letting your wedding be a perfect reflection of who you are as a person and who you and your fiance(e) are as a couple. I’m all for throwing tradition out the door, and making your day your own.
At least in theory.

I have been an active member of Project Wedding, an avid follwer of bridal blogs, and an eager reader of wedding books since before I got engaged. And I think all of the traditional bridal beauty gets to me sometimes. I want to have an offbeat wedding, but at the same time I’m stuck on it being “not too over the top” and “making sure the grandparents are comfortable,” etc.

It hit me this weekend when I looked at my wedding invitation designs and realized that I had cared too much about convention when originally designing them.

So I decided to throw it all out. This invitation was unconventional, but not unconventional enough. My fiance and I are tradition-breakers, dang it, not tradition-sort-of-breakers.

Here was the result:

That’s right. Bright. Colors.
But it makes you smile, right? Me too. And isn’t that what matters?


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